My New Book! New Paradigm Planet


My new inspirational book is here!

New Paradigm Planet

New Paradigm Planet CoverWhen I was 9 years old I had a vision. This was a vision in my imagination of a whole world society. It was a planet. I fantasized about my life there almost every night. I used to think this was another planet when I was a child. It felt so far removed from the current world in which my 9 year old self was living and experiencing in the 1990s. Recently, I am realizing this imaginary world I visited at 9 years old could very well be similar to Earth in our future. For the first time I share my vision of Planet Zuelios with you in hopes that it will inspire you to make positive change upon our planet so we can all live better lives here, together.

May the pages of this gift open your mind and heart to the empowerment of imagination and creation.

for more information and to order copies.

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2 Responses to My New Book! New Paradigm Planet

  1. Pingback: Zakład Szklarski Piotrków

  2. Madge Forrest says:

    This is actually a great and helpful book. You are very fanciful and creative. I’m glad that you shared this book with the world. I recommend it to anyone who wants greater insight and enlightenment into the workings of the imagination.
    Please keep us updated. Thanks for sharing!

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