Allison in the Media

Goddess Allison welcomes media outlets to work with her to shine our brilliance, greatness, and lovely message out into the world.

This is where I post my favorite collection of media that I’ve appeared in. These outlets take notice, care about what I am doing, and have their own lovely message to shine out. Although it’s great to have exposure, it’s even better to have collaboration and support. It’s been so lovely to work with them, and the list is growing.


Journey to Truth Podcast

Balancing Timelines | Aligning With Positive Parallel Timelines
In 2017 Allison was interviewed by Bridget Nielson about her non-fiction parallel timeline visit experience.

Parallel Reality Shift, Jump Timelines, & Cosmic Disclosure
In 2017 Allison was interviewed by KAren Swain of ATP Media about her visit to a parallel timeline.


This is a blog article about my Parallel Timeline Visit in 2016:

Mike's Blog



Goddess Allison appears in the May 2015 edition of the GoddessAllisonAdvert

Science Behind Law of Attraction Magazine


Veronica Villarreal~ Divine Prosperity Coach
Divine Prosperity Radio
Originally aired September 17, 2014



Respectful Revolution .org: Video in production and coming in 2015/16.
For now, here is a wonderful post that was written about me on August 25, 2014~

Me sharing my message on Respectful Revolution .org

Me sharing my message on Respectful Revolution .org

“Continuing on my exploration of intentional communities this summer, I met Allison, AKA SunGee at Dancing Rabbit who struck me as the perfect embodiment of someone who practices what she teaches and wants to share the incredible life lessons she has learned for herself.
Allison Gee absolutely embodies the expression “Walk Your Talk.” Originally from Seattle, Allison didn’t feel connected with her own life, didn’t feel happy and didn’t feel empowered. She didn’t want that and proceeded to research personal empowerment on all possible levels : social, dietary, physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual… She explored the power of intention, the power of community, the incredible power of real, natural food. From student, she became teacher and started a blog she boldly entitled “Goddess Allison – Life Improvement Coach.” As she started building her student list, she further transformed her own life and decided to experience the power of intentional communal living by staying part of the year in the beautiful “Dancing Rabbit”  community of northeastern Missouri. Now that she feels stronger, healthier and happier than ever, SunGee (as she is known in her community) wants to make sure to share her success with as many people as possible.”

UPDATE: Here is the video:


Ava Waits’
Creating Financial Paradise™ Contest & Training Call
Originally Aired August 6, 2014
Ava Waits is a successful business coach who helps conscious women succeed in business. I won 1st place in a short story contest about $$$ that she held! As a result I got to ask some of my questions about business as a new business woman.